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Literature & Resources

Living in the technology age means that we have more information available at the tips of our fingers than ever!


But internet resources can be confusing, and pages can be contradictory since anyone can build a website these days. There are a few websites that I refer to on occasion, but for the most part, I'm an old-fashioned researcher. I've been collecting books and doing research on herbalism, herbal remedies, natural health, natural gardening, self sufficient living, homesteading and recipes for homemade products since I was a kid.


Natural living and personal responsibility for our health and well being is critical in our crazy, changing times, and self sufficiency is more important than ever! There's a lot of information out there, so start small-pick one area you would like to learn more about (container gardening for home grown herbs and veggies is an easy way to start), and see where it leads! It will definitely take you on a wonderful journey of self discovery, empowerment and Earth friendly, sometimes even money saving ideas!! Being kind to Mother Earth pays off in so many different ways!



Have a favorite book you want to recommend? Looking for a supplier or resource recommendation? Email us, We'd love to chat!


herbs for health
herbs of the pnw
herbal medicine
natural health and beauty
herbs for health
natural health and beauty
natural health and beauty
Native American herbs
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